Romans 1:16-17. “For I am not ashamed of the
gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to
the Jew first and also to the Greek. For in it the righteousness of God is revealed
from faith to faith. AS it is written, the righteous shall live faith.”
Here, Paul, the author of Romans is bringing the
gospel message to people who had not yet had apostolic teaching. It’s the theme
of the book of Romans. It comes in the first chapter right after Paul expresses
his love for the people he addresses. The book of Romans may be known as the
gospel epistle. This should give us more than enough motivation to witness to the lost all around us. We are given here three reasons/motivations for why we should be confident in witnessing.
So must witness unashamedly because we know the gospel has the power to save,
but there are two parts to every conversation; we share the gospel but with
whom? Who can legitimately receive the gospel? The answer is, everyone
must witness to everyone because the gospel is a gift that is open to anyone
who trusts in it. Romans 1:16 continues: "to everyone who
believes; to the Jew first and also to the Greek." Jewish people are easy enough to define; the
Jews were God’s chosen people, and there are still many practicing Jews today.
The Greeks, also translated gentile, were defined as anyone who was not Jewish.
So this encompasses every living soul. So who is left out? Who are we not
supposed to witness too? That’s a group that doesn’t exist. We are all wicked
sinners that deserve the wrath of God but the gift of the gospel is open to ALL
who believe because of what His Son did for them. Your race, your background,
none of that matters; if you fit into the Jew or gentile category, you can
receive the gospel of Jesus Christ! Why wouldn't you witness to someone?
Did you know unsaved people are headed for a spiritual death? Of course you
did, I mentioned that in my first point. Think of it this way; if you saw
someone about to commit suicide, would you not try to stop them? You see
someone on top of a roof getting ready to jump and its obvious once they make
that jump, there is no turning back; they are going to die. Wouldn’t you try to
talk them out of it regardless of who it was? I hope you would say yes! Some of
you might say, well if it was a complete stranger, why would I care? Have you
thought about the fact that if one of your family members or friends were about
to commit suicide you would want someone to attempt to stop them? That complete
stranger is someone’s brother, sister, mother, father, friend, whatever. They
have family members that would hope someone else would step in and talk them
out of killing themselves. In the same way unsaved people who are living
ungodly lives apart from Christ are headed for hell and guess what; once they
get there, there is no turning back. People are headed for hell, don’t you want to
stop that? Don’t you want to influence someone to be saved? It doesn’t matter
who they are, you do not want to see them die do you? Of course not! That is
why we witness to everyone! Wouldn’t you tell that person on the roof there is
so much to live for? Witnessing is the same way! People can live for Christ. This
passage also explains how to be saved; believe; that’s it. There’s no special
feat to be performed, believe: that’s confidence in the truth, or existence of
something. If you believe in the gospel you will be saved. John 3:16 tells us that whoever believes in Jesus will inherit eternal life! So when you are witnessing you can tell about the simplicity of the reception of the gospel...believe in this and you
will be saved. This is the simplest solution that you will ever face in life.
You don’t go to work and your boss says “well since you showed up to work and
you think you deserve money I’ll pay you.” That would be nice but no, you have required work to do.
You can’t drive to a gas station and have the owner say “since you believe you
need gas, go ahead and pump it in to your car.” Again, this would be nice but no, you must pay. Yet you come to
Christ and he says “Since you believe in me you’re are saved.” It is not your
job to work in hearts, it is your job to witness and be committed to witnessing. Remember, the Word that you share has power and truth that takes
no complicated process to receive. The command is simple; believe.
So we are witnessing under God’s power, we’re witnessing to all because
salvation is an open invitation, but what effect is the gospel supposed to
have? Why is it worth telling? There must be an effect otherwise the gospel
would be worthless right? What difference does it make?
Christians must witness because the gospel’s effect is righteous living. The gospel enables us to live righteously by faith. What does it mean to live righteously? It means acting in accord with divine or moral law; being free from sin. We can live in such a way that we choose good over evil, we choose not to sin! The other half of this equation is we live righteously by faith. What’s faith? Let’s look at Hebrews 11:1 for our definition; it’s the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. To simplify that, faith is being sure of our hope in the Lord and being convinced that God, though unseen, exists, and Jesus Christ died on the cross for us, even though it’s not an event that you can just go on youtube and search Jesus Christ, and see him being crucified. Quite frankly it would be tough to see, as some of you know from watching the Mel Gibson Film, “The Passion of the Christ,” and I don’t know that you would want too see the actual crucifixion. I want you to understand something here: it effects both sides, you and the person you are witnessing too. Notice the little phrase here “from faith to faith” in verse 17. This is a phrase that has baffled many interpreters and commentators. The most accurate definition, I believe, is that it takes faith both to witness and to receive the gospel. This faith only comes from living righteously by God’s standards. As we see at the end of verse 17, “The righteous will live by faith.” So what does it mean to live righteously; it means very simply obeying God and his Word. In this instance for the one who is witnessing it means obeying the command in Matthew 28:19-20 to teach all nations. If we are witnessing we are being obedient to God, and we are living righteously because, by faith, we are believing that the Gospel has power, that it is true, and we are sharing it! We were made righteous the minute we became saved. Christ's sacrifice on the cross set us free, made us righteous, and it continues our entire lives. Be committed to living righteously!
Christians must witness because the gospel’s effect is righteous living. The gospel enables us to live righteously by faith. What does it mean to live righteously? It means acting in accord with divine or moral law; being free from sin. We can live in such a way that we choose good over evil, we choose not to sin! The other half of this equation is we live righteously by faith. What’s faith? Let’s look at Hebrews 11:1 for our definition; it’s the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. To simplify that, faith is being sure of our hope in the Lord and being convinced that God, though unseen, exists, and Jesus Christ died on the cross for us, even though it’s not an event that you can just go on youtube and search Jesus Christ, and see him being crucified. Quite frankly it would be tough to see, as some of you know from watching the Mel Gibson Film, “The Passion of the Christ,” and I don’t know that you would want too see the actual crucifixion. I want you to understand something here: it effects both sides, you and the person you are witnessing too. Notice the little phrase here “from faith to faith” in verse 17. This is a phrase that has baffled many interpreters and commentators. The most accurate definition, I believe, is that it takes faith both to witness and to receive the gospel. This faith only comes from living righteously by God’s standards. As we see at the end of verse 17, “The righteous will live by faith.” So what does it mean to live righteously; it means very simply obeying God and his Word. In this instance for the one who is witnessing it means obeying the command in Matthew 28:19-20 to teach all nations. If we are witnessing we are being obedient to God, and we are living righteously because, by faith, we are believing that the Gospel has power, that it is true, and we are sharing it! We were made righteous the minute we became saved. Christ's sacrifice on the cross set us free, made us righteous, and it continues our entire lives. Be committed to living righteously!
So I’ve given you three reasons to witness from this passage. Many of you till
now have not been committed to witnessing because you just don’t trust you will
know what to say. I’m not judging you for that!! God is very forgiving, so
let that give you peace. So now what? Ok, study the scriptures, but you must
trust that the gospel has power, and it’s not your words that save, but the
power of God. Others of you just don’t know who to witness to, but you learned that you need to witness to everyone you come in contact with. Still
others of you just saw no value in witnessing but you know now that it is a
command in Scripture and to not witness is a lack of obedience and therefore a
lack of love for God and for others. So, live righteously by witnessing to all
because the power of God will save men! Let me just wrap up by saying this;
witnessing doesn’t come naturally to most people. You have to train for
effective witnessing, just like an athlete has to be trained to play a sport.
It takes practice. Here’s the good news; you have the enablement of the Holy
Spirit, the power of God! Behind every good athlete is a good coach, behind the
effective testimony for Christ, is what; a knowledge of the Word and reliance on the
strength of Christ. You’re out of excuses. Be committed to witnessing. The
chancellor of Bob Jones University, Dr. Bob Jones III, says, “the most sobering reality in the world today is that people are dying
and going to hell today.” Are you going to stand idly by as others who are
facing the same fate that you were before you were saved, stand at the entrance
to the gate of hell, or are you going to witness and allow yourself to be used
of God to bring people to heaven’s gate? Witness for Christ. When you do that
righteous living will naturally be falling into place. You’ll be obedient to
Christ. As you see people being saved, you will be filled with joy, and you
will want to please Christ even more! That should motivate you to want to
live righteously. Righteous living and witnessing must go together! Witness,
and be committed to righteous living;